Ecuador – Participatory Breeding of Barley and Quinoa in Collaboration with Indigenous Cañari Communities, Mushuk Yuyay Grain Cooperative, and Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP) (2016)
We spent two weeks in Ecuador meeting with, learning from and working alongside farmers, artisans, naturalists and/or ecologists in two distinct ecosystems. During the first week, we focused on the agroecology and social ecology of northern Ecuador. This included visits to Puembo, Cotacachi, Otavalo and Peguche in the Andean highlands, followed by three days in the Intag Cloud Forest region on the western slope of the Andes Mountains. The second week was spent in Quito area in Ilalo, followed by a journey south to the high-altitude areas around Riobamba and Cañar. In Quito, we visited agrosilvopastoral farming systems, seed sovereignty organizations, local farms, Slow Food Ecuador, among other exciting adventures. In Cañar, we visited and work with an indigenous Cañari farmer association of seed and grain producers. The trip ended in Cuenca, the third largest city in Ecuador.
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